MINIMO edition 2022 - Art exhibition at Château Saint-Maur Cru Classé

The Brussels and Geneva-based consultancy ARS BELGA has taken over the three floors of the CHATEAU SAINT MAUR CRU CLASSE for an exhibition in which different genres are mixed.
MINIMO 2022 edition - Art exhibition at Château Saint-Maur Cru Classé
8 July - 28 August 2022 | Daily 12:00 - 19:30
Programming 2022
For the second year, we are pleased to welcome Ars Belga for the second edition of the MINIMO exhibition at the Château Saint-Maur. The exhibition in collaboration with SAATCHI YATES, AKTIS GALLERY, and C1760 GALLERYThe exhibition offers an overview of modern and contemporary art on the three floors of the castle.
The Aktis gallery devotes the first floor of the castle to post-war European and Asian abstraction, mixing it with the still too little known figurative drawings of the Corbusier. The Saatchi Yates Gallery invites you to discover the work of the young French artist Kevin Pinsembert on the ground floor.
The sculpture park co-organised by ZUECCA PROJECTS and Natalie Kovacs create a path in the garden of the estate where visitors will discover monumental sculptures byAtelier Van Lieshout alongside the vines of Château Saint-Maur.
The exhibition features the works of Getulio ALVIANI, Georges BRAQUE, Le CORBUSIER, Agustín CÀRDENAS, Hans HARTUNG, Georges MATHIEU, Philippe PASTOR, Kevin PINSEMBERT, George RICKEY, Gérard SCHNEIDER, Vassilakis TAKIS, Chu TEH-CHUN, Atelier VAN LIESHOUT, Zao WOU -KI
Ars Belga is a post-war modern and contemporary art consultancy founded in 2009 that provides independent expertise and professional advice to private collectors and family estates.