ZANNIER CSM DA2023 Expo Katja Lumpe BandeauFB

From 27 February
to 27 April 2023

Katja Lumpe, an artist at heart, is devouring creativity, and that's nothing new. In fact, during her early years, she was a great admirer of all forms of art that stimulated her imagination, such as drawing, painting, sculpture and music, all of which she inherited from her family. Then, at the age of 14, her dreams and goals were turned upside down when she discovered a real fascination with the painter-sculptor Salvador Dali. Over and above the depth of his works and their symbolic significance, she admires his independent spirit, which is undoubtedly one of her most obvious character traits. This young woman, with her touching attitudes, has no desire whatsoever to follow any academic rules, and her works reflect the pure freedom she claims and a life overflowing with richness.


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Sunrise °1 Original Work